Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dream of a Lifetime

I would love to win this contest for a $5,000 vacation. My husband & I have been married 20 years this coming June 1, 2009 . Our honeymoon consisted of us attending his nephews graduation, so really we never had a honeymoon & have never been able to afford a vacation other than staying at a friend's for 1 week in Pennsylvania about 10 years ago. We would love to have a fantasy vacation for our family before our son leaves home , as he is now 18. This is a dream that will be remembered forever. We are a working family , who don't make all that much & live frugally. We live on about $16,500 bring home a year, so we don't overspend. I have always wanted to travel the whole world. I'd love to see the tropical islands, smell the salty breezes, taste fresh coconut. The jungle with it's humid steam rising makes a beautiful sight to behold. The jungle snakes slithering , poison toads croaking & the Amazon in all it's magnificence flowing on as it has from it's beginning. India with it's land mass of people all living on the edge of the ancient Silk road to modern architecture . The scent of curry flowing into my nostrils like the perfume of flowers . China with it's Panda bears& bamboo bring the exotic to mind. The United States with majestic trees like the Sequoia, the Grand Canyon glowing red in the sunset, the Smoky mountains mist rising to cover the valleys of beauty below.Europe has the stunning Alps, thetulips of Holland. So much beauty , so little time , so little money. I want the adventure of a lifetime. Can you help me live my dream? Please help me hear , taste, feel & see all the Earth has for me to experience ! Here's a dream coming true~~ Make this my HOMEAWAY ~~~GETAWAY for one week!

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